Opening Times:
Mo,Di,DO - 18-22Uhr
MI,Fr,SA - 18-23Uhr
Sonntags geschlossen
Results by Season
Season 1
Grand Finale Champions
Peng Skux
Die Frontal-Lappen
Overworked & Underfucked
The One Dimensionals
Can You Hear Me?
Cut off for the Grand Finale
Still Thinking About It
Das große Blutbild
Takeshis Castl & Think Fast, drink Fast
Froscheim Gang
This season, overall scores have been lost from the records.
Season 2
Grand Finale Champions
Bird Community - 332
Nerdmännchen - 322
​Fritz Boi Slim - 321
Technically Incorrect - 318
Sherlock's Homies - 315
The Quizzers of St. Jude - 315
Inquizition Strikes Back - 312
Schnick Schnack Schnukis - 312
Narrenminded - 308
Quizzly Bears - 305
Cut off for the Grand Finale
Losers Champion
Leaderboard Continued
Brain Damage - 304
Sex Qizztols - 303
Out of the Loop - 302
Jung & Freudlos - 290
Les Quizerables - 284
Guess to Impress - 281
Lost & fucked - 274
Mushroom for Improvement - 273
E for Idiots -272
Castl Ruther Spatzen - 271
Let the Party BeGIN - 270
Cut off for the Losers Finale
Triple A - 168
Quiz Truss - 129
187 Quizzerbande - 114
Sophie's 6 - 111
Peng Skux*ettes - 111
Misfits - 52
S&P - 52
Boomer Raver - 49
Virtual Nares - 48
Gintastic - 48
Polger Crosweat - 48
The OOGs - 45
Not Enough Time to Come Up With A Good Team Name - 44
Here for the beer - 44
You're a Quizzard Harry - 44
Psycho Cuties - 43
Undo - 42
Blood Sweat & Beers - 39
Lady Birds - 38
Barvarian Surprise - 33
High Quality Shit - 23
Team Luki the Dog - DQ
Season 3
Grand Finale Champions
Natural Selection - 332
Quiz My A$$ - 322
The Thirsty Think Tank - 322
Fritz Boi Slim - 322
Nerdmännchen - 320
Shouting at Clouds - 312
Increasingly Strained Continuity - 308
Brain Damage - 306
Technically Incorrect - 305
The Quizzlybears - 304
Cut off for the Grand Finale
Losers Champion
Leaderboard Continued
Quiz on My Face - 298
Sherlock's Homies - 296
Jung & Freudvoll - 292
Sisters of No Mercy - 290
Kangaroos Don't Lose - 289
Foolhouse - 287
Narcos & Cats - 285
Points per Capita - 279
Quizennials - 278
Quizards - 272
Flying Racoons - 272
Wrong & Strong - 271
Quiz Queens of NarrenCastl - 267
Cool and Sexy Trivia Lovers - 266
Shadow Slayers of Doom 3000 - 262
PhDummies - 261
Out of the Loop - 261
The Quizlasters - 258
Annaconda - 258
The Geralts of Trivia - 256
One Win Wonder - 248
Cut off for the Losers Finale
Insert Cool Teamname here - 222
Quizlamic State - 177
Victorious Holmies - 176
Smartinis - 166
Quizpy Chickenz - 162
What does the fux say? - 153
Quizbolde - 152
Partners in Rhyme - 139
Fellowship of the Win - 133
Polger Crosweat - 125
Almost Austrians - 109
Quizneighbours - 106
Placeholders - 99
Die 5 lustigen 6 - 81
Sitting Ducks - 81
Spätzunder - 81
Unfinished Quizness - 61
Quizzy Cat Dolls - 55
The Pitstoppers - 52
Minions - 51
Jon's Fiery Bum - 51
Virgin Quizzers - 50
Erzfeind 3000 - 50
Brain Waves - 49
Holy Schitzel - 49
Tscherwitschok - 48
Sparky Lucas - 47
Take 5 - 44
Save the Cat - 42
Jalapeno Poopers - 42
Rhapsody in Blue - 40
Ofenbrot 5,80 - 39
Carrera - 37
Markt-Geschrei - 36
Axolotl's Achsellocken - 36
Cobs on the Corn - 34
PQRST - 32
True Fools - 22
Season 4
Grand Finale Champions
Quiz on My Face -- 320
Satural Nelection -- 319
My Favourite Team -- 311
Parsch-ial to a Quiz -- 311
​Fritz Boi Slim -- 310
Rhyming into Perpetuity -- 309
Still Quizzing Asses -- 307
Foolhouse -- 305
Unfinished Quizness - 302
Cut off for the Grand Finale
Runners-Up Champion
Leaderboard Continued
Greatest of All Teams (GOATs) -- 300
Brain Damage -- 300
The Return of the Inquizition -- 300
What Would Hannah Do? -- 295
Nerdmännchen -- 295
Quizzimodes -- 292
None of your quizness -- 289
Quizpy Chickens -- 286
Quizzly Bears -- 284
Cut off for the Runners-Up Finale
Losers Champions
Leaderboard Continued
Quizlamic State -- 282
Rätsel Ratten -- 280
Incorrect Technicians -- 280
Error 404: Name Not Found -- 280
Quizards -- 279
Jung & Freudlos -- 278
Where's Wally? -- 278
Quizcombobulate -- 277
Tipsy Bakers -- 277
Kangaroos don't lose -- 276
Sherlocks homies forever -- 275
Triviagra -- 274
Inquizitors -- 273
Annacondas -- 269
Know it Ales -- 260
PhDummies -- 258
Jalapeños Poopers -- 257
Smartinis -- 252
Shadows Slayers of Doom 3000 2.0 -- 251
Erzfiend 3000 -- 251
The Geralts of Trivia and Quiz Merigold -- 247
The createful 8 -- 240
Cut off for the Losers Finale
Leaderboard Continued
Limnos -- 239
Too Bad to Be A Loser -- 236
World's Okay-est Couple -- 235
This is our alibi -- 232
The Einsteins -- 227
This is not a drill please evacuate the pub -- 207
Squirt on my Skirt -- 152
Quiz from a Rose -- 144
PubMeds -- 143
Brain Waves -- 110
Die inkompetenz kompensation Kompetenz -- 104
I went to Castl and all I got was this lousy Team name -- 89
Under a Rock -- 82
Zwiepack -- 62
The Kowi Killerz -- 56
Gerdschis Angels -- 54
Jerk Store -- 50
The Immigrants -- 50
Rhapsode in Blue -- 49
The Schnitzels -- 48
Sun Bros -- 47
Comando Vermelho -- 47
Los Quizzerados -- 47
Busy Bar Bitches -- 43
Serious Quizness -- 41
Lendre -- 41
Navarricos -- 41
NextGenEU -- 37
Smelly Apartment -- 36
RoJa -- 36
Insert Funny Team Name Here -- 34
El Eje Del Mal -- 30
Mighty Baby -- 25
Season 5
Grand Finale Champions
Satural Nelection -- 315
​Fritz Boi Slim -- 303
The Great Guessbys -- 301
International Quizines -- 298
Ignored Ingenuity -- 292
Wait, is that quiz in my pants? -- 291
The Inquizition: A New Pope -- 291
Unfinished Quizness -- 289
David Hedison Apparently -- 288
Cut off for the Grand Finale
Runners-Up Champion
Mad Maxglan: Fury Road
Leaderboard Continued
Mad Maxglan: Fury Road -- 287
The Know It Ales -- 281
None of your Quizzness -- 278
Quizzly Bears -- 277
Annacondas -- 275
The Joyful 8 -- 275
Quizlamic State -- 274
Brain Damage -- 273
Losers Champions
Leaderboard Continued
Technically a different Team -- 273
The Inquizzitors? -- 272
Comfortably Dumb -- 271
Quizards -- 268
Nerdmännchen -- 265
Sher-lock's Besties -- 264
Ass as in PrincASS -- 257
Smashing Shrooms -- 256
Quiz from a Rose -- 255
Quizzing Quokkas -- 255
Jung & Freudlos -- 250
The Last 2 Brain Cells -- 246
Riddle Racoons -- 246
Kangaroos Love Booze -- 242
PhDummies -- 241
The Shadow Slayers of Doom 3000 und die Heiligtümer des Todes -- 240
Quizpy Chickens -- 236
The Return of the Quiz Queens of NarrenCastl -- 236
Never Change a Loosing System -- 234
Los Grandes Diletantes -- 232
Tipsy Bakers -- 230
The team I specifically asked NOT to join this season -- 229
Red Hot Chili Poopers -- 229
Quizzing Bulls -- 227
Super CHI -- 219
The Quiz Glasses -- 218
Let's Get Quizzical -- 216
Squizd -- 214
Quiz on My Face -- 214
Risky Quizness -- 212
Erzfeind 4000 -- 211
The Luisers -- 211
The Last Wise Guys -- 208
E for Idiots -- 203
You're a Quizard, Gary -- 201
Los Quizzerdos -- 199
Die inkompetenz kompensation Kompetenz -- 196
This is our alibi -- 195
The Potatoes -- 192
PubMeds -- 130
Squirt on my Skirt -- 112
DMT -- 94
The Kowi Killaz -- 89
Die Nüsschen 200g -- 69
The Testeez -- 59
Be Nice -- 52
The Schnitzels -- 51
Bauschaumisolierung -- 43
Chipmunks -- 40
Stewbert -- 33
Quizonauts -- 31
Mighty Baby -- 28
Fall Guys -- 23